Xie Xiongying

Guangdong | China


谢雄鹰,中国作家、诗人。中国广东人。中国作家协会、中国诗歌学会会员、中国大众文学学会白金理事。出版文学著作32部,皆被中国现代文学馆收藏,并介绍到美国、澳大利亚等国家。曾获第五届中国大众文学百花奖等国家级奖项30余次。长篇小说《孽缘》获百度推评清朝以来“中国百部好看的伦理小说”;中篇小说《 博弈》获《中国作家》大赛一等奖;获得第六届中国“十佳当代诗人”奖。


Xie Xiongying, Chinese writer and poet. He is born Guangdong, China. Member of the Chinese Writers Association, Chinese Poetry Society, and Platinum Director of the Chinese Society of Popular Literature. 32 literary works have been published, all of which are collected by the Museum of Modern Chinese Literature and introduced to countries such as the United States and Australia. He has won the fifth Baihua Award for Chinese Popular Literature and other 30 national awards. The novel Fate of Misfortune has been recommended by Baidu as one of the 100 Best Ethical Novels in China since the Qing Dynasty; The novella Game won the first prize in the Chinese Writers competition; Received the 6th China Top Ten Contemporary Poets Award.

à propos

Xie Xiongying, écrivain et poète chinois. Il est né à Guangdong, en Chine. Membre de l’Chinese Writers Association, Chinese Poetry Society et Directeur platine de la Chinese Society of Popular Literature. 32 œuvres littéraires ont été publiées, toutes sont recueillies par le Musée de la littérature chinoise moderne et présentées à des pays tels que les États-Unis et l’Australie. Il a remporté le cinquième Baihua Award pour la littérature populaire chinoise et 30 autres prix nationaux. Le roman Fate of Misfortune a été recommandé par Baidu comme l’un des 100 meilleurs romans éthiques en Chine depuis la dynastie Qing ; Le roman Game a remporté le premier prix au concours Chinese Writers; Lauréat du 6e China Top Ten Contemporary Poets.







Peace Dove

The peace dove has been hovering over Palestine
Guns exploded into the air
A group of bandits crossed the border
Not only does it repeatedly ignite the flames of war
The modern massacre will be mercilessly brutal

The elderly, children, and women in this country
No food to eat
They were drinking bullets
Head up to the East
Pray for the peace dove to fly quickly to their homeland

Xie Xiongying

Peace Dove, Translated by Cao Shui

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75014 Paris - France

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