Claus Ankersen
Claus Ankersen is a writer, poet, artist, performer, literary activist, and translator from Denmark. He writes bilingually and works internationally, having performed his poetry at literature festivals in more than 20 countries around the world. He is the author of 17 books, and selected material has seen translation into Swedish, Finnish, Estonian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Ukrainian, Romanian, German, Urmurt, Bulgarian, English, Uzbek, Spanish, Malayalam, Chinese, and Macedonian. He has contributed to various international anthologies as well as published original full collections of poetry in Ukraine (2016), India (2018, 2021), and Romania (2019). As a literary translator, Claus has translated collections by Ukrainian poet, Zury Zavadsky, the Indian poet Tishani Doshi as well as Czech poet Jana Orlová. His work has seen support from such benefactors as Danish Arts Foundation and he is the recipient of several international fellowships.
In Denmark, his latest books are a collection of rhymed yoga poems, YOGA ABC (2021), and a collection of poems on the pandemic Dansen om pigkuglen – digte fra det covidcæne /The Dance around the Spiked Sphere – Poems from the Covidcene (2021). In 2021 Claus also saw publication of his second book-long collection of poetry in India, when his travelogue River of Man – Indian Poems was published by Red River.
Claus is currently the Chairman of Danish Authors of Fiction and Poetry – as well as a founding member of POP.
à propos
Claus Ankersen est écrivain, poète, artiste, performeur, activiste littéraire et traducteur danois. Il écrit en deux langues et travaille à l’international : il a lu sa poésie dans des festivals de littérature dans plus de 20 pays à travers le monde. Il est l’auteur de 17 livres, et certains de ses textes ont été traduits en suédois, finnois, estonien, russe, polonais, tchèque, ukrainien, roumain, allemand, urmurt, bulgare, anglais, ouzbek, espagnol, malayalam, chinois et macédonien. Il a contribué à diverses anthologies internationales et publié des recueils complets de poésie en Ukraine (2016), en Inde (2018, 2021) et en Roumanie (2019). En tant que traducteur littéraire, Claus a traduit des recueils du poète ukrainien Zury Zavadsky, du poète indien Tishani Doshi et de la poète tchèque Jana Orlová. Son travail a été soutenu par des organisations telles que la Fondation danoise pour les arts et il est récipiendaire de plusieurs bourses internationales. Au Danemark, ses derniers livres sont un recueil de poèmes de yoga rimés, YOGA ABC (2021), et un recueil de poèmes sur la pandémie Dansen om pigkuglen – digte fra det covidcæne / The Dance around the Spiked Sphere – Poems from The Covidcene (2021). En 2021, Claus a également vu la publication de son deuxième recueil de poésie en Inde, avec son récit de voyage River of Man – Indian Poems chez Red River.
Claus est actuellement président de l’association des auteurs danois de fiction et de poésie – ainsi que membre fondateur de POP.
- 2021 Yoga ABC – Yogadigte. Digte. Forlaget Holmdal Petersen
- 2021 Dansen om pigkuglen. Digte. Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag
- 2020 Pequeños Milagros. Digte. E-chapbog. Ediciones Alpaso. Honduras
- 2020 River of Man. Indian poems. Travelogue. Red River Books. India
- 2019 Det syngende hjertes triumf. Digt. Emeritus.
- 2019 Pink Pong. Digte. Tresproget. Editura frACTalia. Romania
- 2019 In defence of the cherries. Digte. Tosproget. Brumar. Romania
- 2019 Tigerens Sang/Cantecul Tigrului. Digte. Editura frACTalia. Romania
- 2018 Pendæmonium. Roman. Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag
- 2018 Grab Your Heart And Follow Me. Digte. Poetrywala. India
- 2017 Soulmates. Digte. Copenhagen Storytellers. København
- 2016 A Sudden Convergence. Poems. Krok Books. Ukraine
- 2016 Brandtale. Digte. Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag. København
- 2014 Kong Ho & Co. Nye danske limericks. Shooting Press Gallery. DK
- 2013 Souvenirs from Heaven. Live Nation Books. Danmark
- 2010 Træet og springvandet. Digt-roman. Wow/FDSF. DK
- 2005 Årets Alfabetik, 52. Moderne bekvemmelighedsdigte. FDSF. DK
- 2003 Hil Amdi – Spoken Words, Bændelormen. Danmark
Literary translations: English into Danish
- 2022 PUS af Jana Orlová. Det poetiske Bureau
- 2021 Piger kommer ud af skovene af Tishani Doshi. Det Poetiske Bureau
- 2019 Af krop. Oversatte digte af Yury Zavadsky. Det Poetiske Bureau.
- 2019 Pink Pong. Andrei Zbirneas bidrag til dansk. Editura frACTalia.
We really don’t like it
but we do it
clean the toilets, open the bars
wait in lines on the highway
clean the rubble
look for survivors
clean the corpses
spread the word and weep for the dead
We do it, it seems
there is no other way
no other system
no other king
so we do it
even though we don’t like it
and tell ourselves the old stories
when the earth shakes:
– it’s God’s wrath
Mother Nature’s protest
Meaningless catastrophe
turning life into nightmare
in the blink of an eye
It seems, there is no other way
No other system
No other king
The golden calf so shiny
A thousand miles high
And a whole planet wide
Running in every bloodstream
Transmitting on every channel
Fixed in print on the pages of every school book
and set in bad quality cement
concrete crumbling
in the foundations of housing, infrastructure
bones, dreams
We really don’t like it
But we obey
It seems there is no other way
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