Sarah Thilykou
Thessaloniki | Greece
Dr. Sarah Thilykou, poet, translator, essayist, critic, editor, founding member of PEN Greece, was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, where she studied theology, drama, and music, with further work in Utrecht, Paris and Athens. She has published six poetic collections, including Duet of Islands (Kyoto 2018, in English & Japanese, also in Portuguese & Spanish). Her poems have been translated into many languages, in international anthologies and journals. She has translated, among others, Abhay K.’s, 100 Great Indian Poems, Gabriel Rosenstock (The Floating Universe, Silver Birches, Angelic Flights, Stirrings of Love), Rua Breathnach (The City Next Door), Allen Ginsberg (Buddha Died).
à propos
Dr. Sarah Thilykou, poète, traductrice, essayiste, critique, éditrice, membre fondateur de PEN Grèce, est née à Thessalonique, en Grèce, où elle a étudié la théologie, le théâtre et la musique, avec d’autres travaux à Utrecht, Paris et Athènes. Elle a publié six recueils poétiques, dont Duet of Islands (Kyoto 2018, en anglais et en japonais, également en portugais et en espagnol). Ses poèmes ont été traduits dans de nombreuses langues, dans des anthologies et des revues internationales. Elle a traduit, entre autres, Abhay K’s, 100 Great Indian Poems, Gabriel Rosenstock (The Floating Universe, Silver Birches, Angelic Flights, Stirrings of Love), Rua Breathnach (The City Next Door), Allen Ginsberg (Buddha Died).
like a mother’s song
the lullaby of waves
how it unite us
the refrain of destiny
in the Mediterranean banks
mothers and babies
citizens of the waves
seeking in the world
the mystic country
women cry
in the two banks
on the one side hijabs
masks on the other
on board
watching her life
– how does a life last?
twenty five years?
I’m not afraid of you, man
my ancient enemy and friend
don’t be afraid of me
we have been through a lot
together in these banks
old women light candles
to unknown saints
so that to rest
those buried
by sea and history
girls collect clothes
for the rescued –
how will they last?
while only one word survives
for ever: refugees
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