Veronica Anttheia Teodoru

Braila | Romania


In 2014 she made her literary debut with the poetry collection for children Childhood Colours, prefaced by Constantin Gherghinoiu. Her second poetry collection, Maybe We’re Dreaming appears in the Royal Collection at Art Creativ Publishing House in 2016. Childhood Colours is reedited in a revised version at Grinta Publishing House from Cluj, prefaced by Gabriel Cojocaru, in 2017. In 2020 the haiku collection Kotodama, written in co-authorship with Eugen Pohonțu, appears at Ex Ponto from Constanța Publishing House. Due to the pandemic situation, the volume was not publicly launched, yet it had a review in Tribuna magazine, written by Irina Lazăr. In 2023 she was selected for the anthology of Romeo and Juliet at Mizil competition.
Anthologies and online publications: Direcţia 9 5X5+5 POEŢI VII, eCreator, Urmuz magazine, Cenaclul de la Păltiniş and others.
Publishes poems in Contemporary Romanian Literature, a selection of poetry edited and coordinated by Daniela Toma and Creativ Publishing House and in another anthology Signs of Brother Time by the same publishing house. She has won various prizes in the Romanian Kukai haiku contest and the monthly senryu contest. Veronica has taken part in the anthology I Didn’t Write Anything edited and coordinated by Menachem Falek, with a few poems translated into Hebrew, in 2021.
Biography translated by Nicoleta CRĂETE.

à propos

En 2014, elle fait ses débuts littéraires avec le recueil de poésie pour enfants Couleurs de l’enfance, préfacé par Constantin Gherghinoiu. Son deuxième recueil de poésie, Maybe we are dreaming apparaît dans la collection royale de la maison d’édition Art Creativ en 2016. Couleurs de l’enfance est rééditée dans une version révisée à la Grinta Publishing House de Cluj, préfacée par Gabriel Cojocaru, en 2017. En 2020, la collection de haïku Kotodama, rédigée en collaboration avec Eugen Pohonțu, est publiée à Ex Ponto de la maison d’édition Constanța. En raison de la situation pandémique, le volume n’a pas été lancé publiquement, mais il a fait l’objet d’une revue dans le magazine Tribuna, écrit par Irina Lazăr. En 2023, elle a été sélectionnée pour l’anthologie de Roméo et Juliette au concours Mizil.
Anthologies et publications en ligne : Direcţia 9 5X5+5 POEŢI VII, eCreator, Urmuz magazine, Cenaclul de la Păltiniş et autres.
Publie des poèmes dans la littérature roumaine contemporaine, une sélection de poèmes éditée et coordonnée par Daniela Toma et Creativ Publishing House et dans une autre revue Signs of brother time de la même maison d’édition. Elle a remporté divers prix au concours de haïku kukai roumain et au concours de senryu mensuel. Veronica a participé à l’anthologie Je n’ai rien écrit éditée et coordonnée par Menachem Falek, avec quelques poèmes traduits en hébreu, en 2021.
Biographie traduite par Nicoleta CRĂETE.


Nu știm nimic, dar vorbim despre tot
ca și cum am ști totul.
Nu știm să ne arătăm fără de noi nimănui,
fără tarele noastre.

Ne acoperim trupul cu pene
într-o împăunare vicleană,
ne prefacem că învățăm, că pricepem
dar nimic nu-i deslușit.

Ne mințim în fiece clipă
până când Dumnezeul dinlăuntru
își frânge mâinile ca într-un vis urât.

Nu știm a ne iubi nici pe noi înșine
și-atunci osteniți de atâta nedumerire
închidem ochii
poate visăm cum se face.

Veronica Anttheia Teodoru

Poate visăm


We don’t know anything, but we’re talking about everything
As if we knew everything
We do not know how to reveal to anyone without ourselves,
without our bad habits.

We cover our bodies with feathers
in a cunning reconciliation,
we pretend to learn, to understand
but nothing’s clear.

We lie to each other every moment
Until the God inside
breaks his hands like in a bad dream.

We don’t know how to love at least ourselves
and then tired of so much confusion
we close our eyes
maybe we’ll dream about how it’s done.

Veronica Anttheia Teodoru

Maybe we're dreaming, translated by Oana Andreea Axon

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75014 Paris - France

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