Adrian Suciu

Bucarest | Romania


Adrian Suciu is considered one of the most important poets and journalists to stand out in Romania after the fall of the Communist regime. Postponed Mythologies (2011, poetry), A Bullshit Novel (2013, fiction), The Popular Prophet (2015, poetry), Treaty for Walking on Waters (2021, poetry) are among his published books. He is the president of the Cultural Media Branch of the Professional Journalists Union from Romania and a cultural TV programmes producer. He has been the president of the Cultural Association Direcția 9 since 2013, having promoted a large number of gifted young poets.

à propos

Adrian Suciu est considéré comme l’un des poètes et journalistes les plus importants à se distinguer en Roumanie après la chute du régime communiste. Mythologies reportées (2011, poésie), A Bullshit Novel (2013, fiction), The Popular Prophet (2015, poésie), Treaty for Walking on Waters (2021, poésie) figurent parmi ses livres publiés. Il est président de la direction des médias culturels du Syndicat des journalistes professionnels de Roumanie et producteur d’émissions de télévision culturelles. Il est président de l’Association culturelle Direcția 9 depuis 2013, ayant promu un grand nombre de jeunes poètes talentueux.


Doamne, trimite Tu îngerul Tău să ne dea cheia!
Și dacă are multe de lucrat îngerul Tău
și-i e peste poate să ajungă la masa noastră,
trimite Tu unul de-al Tău să ne dea cheia!
Și dacă toți ai Tăi ară și seamănă și treieră
și nu pot veni la masa noastră,
trimite Tu câinele Tău să ne dea cheia!

Ne vom împrieteni cu el și-l vom ospăta și
ne vom bucura că ne-ai trimis cu el cheia
de la ușa spitalului în care se plimbă halate pustii
și nesfârșite medicamente se înghit singure,
fără să ceară voie nimănui.

De la ușa spitalului în care sufletul
se curăță singur, cu pleoapele lui…

Adrian Suciu

Spitalul de apoi


Dear God, will You send us Your angel with the key!
And if Your angel has a lot to work
and coming to our table is beyond his reach,
will You send one of Yours give us the key!
And if all of Yours ploweth and soweth and thresheth
and coming to our table is not of their might,
will You send us Your dog give us the key!

We shall befriend him and throw a feast to him and
shall rejoice for the key sent with him
from the hospital door in which deserted gowns wander around
and endless medicines by themselves being swallowed,
without asking permission to no one.

From the hospital door in which the soul
is cleaning by himself, with his very own eyelids…

Adrian Suciu

The hereafter hospital, translated into English by Nicoleta CRĂETE

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24 rue Delambre
75014 Paris - France

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