Nicoleta Crăete
Romania | Romania
Nicoleta Crăete is a Romanian poet and translator. She has won numerous prizes, mainly for poetry, among which: 1st prize in the poetry section and the festival trophy at the Literature Festival Moştenirea Văcăreştilor in Târgovişte, 1st prize at the Poetry Competition Tudor Arghezi in Tg-Jiu, in the section Bilete de Papagal, and so on. Her debut poetry collection, The Woman with a Body of Wax, was released in February 2019, at the Grinta Publishing House, in the collection Poezia 9, as a prize in the manuscript section of the International Poetry Festival from Sighetu Marmației. The collection was also awarded the Book of the Year Prize at the Ion Cănăvoiu Literature Festival in October 2019. Her poems have been translated into English, Czech, Spanish, French, Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, Greek, etc. She is also a translator. Editor at Athanor.
à propos
Nicoleta Crăete est une poète et traductrice roumaine. Elle a remporté de nombreux prix, principalement pour la poésie, parmi lesquels : 1er prix dans la section poésie et le trophée du festival au festival de littérature Moştenirea Văcăreştilor à Târgovişte, 1er prix au concours de poésie Tudor Arghezi à Tg-Jiu, dans la section Bilete de Papagal, et ainsi de suite. Son premier recueil de poésie, The Woman with a Body of Wax, a été publié en février 2019, aux éditions Grinta, dans la collection Poezia 9, en tant que prix dans la section des manuscrits de l’International Poetry Festival de Sighetu Marmației. Le recueil a également reçu le prix du livre de l’année lors du festival de littérature Ion Cănăvoiu en octobre 2019. Ses poèmes ont été traduits en anglais, tchèque, espagnol, français, arabe, hébreu, italien, grec, etc. Elle est également traductrice. Éditrice à Athanor.
frica s-a aşezat la baza lumii să se odihnească un pic
deasupra nişte furnici îi spărgeau seminţe în cap
una două
şapte nouă
dar uite cum din urechea dreaptă răsări o religie
cu picioare prelungi
o adorau şi adoratorii de mijloc
o adorau şi adoratorii de stânga
că până şi cei adoraţi o adorau
şi ar fi fost prea multă armonie în lume
de n-ar fi fost
dar iată cum în urechea stângă furia creştea din stări limitrofe
războaie şuvoaie
le adorau şi adoratorii de dreapta
şi până şi cei adoraţi le adorau
tu doar să-mi ţii lumânarea să scriu
fear has sat down at the basis of the world to take a rest
above its head some ants were smashing seeds
one two
seven nine
but here is how from the right ear a religion has risen
bearing long legs
the middle worshippers would worship her
the left worshippers would worship her as well
even the worshipped ones would also worship her
and too much concord would have been there in the world
hadn’t it been
but there is how from the left ear rage was growing up from final
moods floods
the right worshippers would worship them
even the worshipped ones would also worship them
you just hold me the candle so that I could write
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