Zagreb | Croatia
Diana Burazer was born in 1953 in Zagreb. She graduated in theoretical mathematics from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Zagreb. From 1977 to 1992 she lived in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and since 1992 she lives and works in Zagreb.
Published in many Croatian and Bosnian magazines, represented in many anthologies and panoramas of Croatian poetry. Winner of many awards. Her poems have been translated into about 15 languages.
She writes poetry, prose and occasionally literary criticism. She is the editor of the publishing house Fidipid. She is a member of the Society of Croatian Writers (DHK), a member of the Croatian P.E.N. and the Society of Writers of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
à propos
Diana Burazer est née en 1953 à Zagreb. Elle est diplômée en mathématiques théoriques de la faculté des sciences et de mathématiques de Zagreb. De 1977 à 1992, elle a vécu à Mostar (Bosnie-Herzégovine), et depuis 1992, elle vit et travaille à Zagreb.
Publiée dans de nombreux magazines croates et bosniaques, représentée dans de nombreuses anthologies et panoramas de la poésie croate. Lauréate de nombreux prix. Ses poèmes ont été traduits dans une quinzaine de langues.
Elle écrit de la poésie, de la prose et parfois de la critique littéraire. Elle est éditrice de la maison d’édition Fidipid. Elle est membre de la Society of Croatian Writers (DHK), du Croatian P.E.N. et de la Society of Writers of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Undawining (Nesvanjivo), “Svjetlost”, Sarajevo, 1974
- The fourth wall (Četvrti zid), “Knjizevna omladina”, Sarajevo, 1984
- In a resting place between two worlds (Na odmorišti između dva svijeta )
“MD”, Zagreb, 1994 - Another home (Druga kuća ),“Tribina Jutro Poezije”, Zagreb, 2003 (two edition)
- Out of shelter (Izvan zaklona), Selected poems, Priboj 2007 (Serbia)
- Orange (Naranča), Poems and prose poems, Fidipid, Zagreb 2008.
- Heavenly Apples (Nebeske jabuke), Fidipid, Zagreb, 2018
Books in other languages:
- Портокал и друга куќа (Naranča i druga kuća) Selection of poetry in Macedonian, Makavej, Skopje (2012),
- Зимни Портокали (Zimske naranče) selection of poetry in Bulgarian, Slavenska Akademija, Varna (2013)
- Час, який нам залишається (Vrijeme koje nam preostaje –selection of poetry in Ukrainian, Luck (2015)
- Mollet e qiellit (Nebeske jabuke) – translation of the book “Heavenly Apples” in the Albanian language, Priština, 2023
Prizes and awards
- Award Antun Branko Simic, Drenovci, 1970
- Award Slovo Gorcina, Stolac, 1972
- Award Goranovo proljece, for young poets, Zagreb, 1974
- Josip Sever, award for best poetry manuscript (book) Druga kuća, Zagreb, 2003
- Silver flying feather – an international award for the overall poetic creativity, poetry festival Slavic Embrace, Varna (Bulgaria), 2011.
- Award Vesna Parun 2022 for the best poem History in Arial font (first prize)
Zrelu i veliku uzmem je u lijevu ruku,
desnom je pomilujem,
kažiprstom dodirnem skoro svaki nabor.
u kojima stanuje njena otvrdnula tuga,
uvijek me iznenade svojom veličinom.
Noktom načinim prvi ubod.
Ne pruža veći otpor
i ne buni se.
U tišini
žutom suzom
uzvratimo jedna drugoj
pristajanje na mučni proces koji nam slijedi
i označimo početak.
Dalje sve ide uhodano:
ogolim joj jedno rame,
pa drugo.
Zatim struk.
Uskoro potpuno gola
u tankoj prozirnoj košuljici
drhti pred našim očima.
Hajde razdijeli je, izgleda dobro – kažeš
čekajući na onoj udaljenosti sa koje
sve i izgleda dobro.
Odugovlačim s posljednjim potezima svlačenja
jer znam
kad je potpuno ogolim i razdijelim
biti će teško održati
čak i sjećanje
na ljepotu njene cijelosti.
lancima vezane
Niz hladne zidine
bacam duge konope.
Čuvari teško otvaraju
željezne kapije.
Naše prizemljene vojske
na poljani
svečano se postrojavaju
jedna drugoj
Dok ti idem u susret
s obje ruke skidam nepropustan oklop
i razmičem rebra.
Drhti otkriveno srce.
Netko brižan
dodaje mi štit
i šapće: kreni,
nema granice
između pobjede i predaje.
(*) Iz ciklusa pjesama „Mali zapisi o velikim riječima“
THE ORANGE (or a Poem about Love)
Ripe and large I take it into my left hand.
I caress it with my right
my forefinger running along almost every furrow.
where its hardened sorrow resides
always surprise me with their size.
The tip of my fingernail makes the first stab.
It doesn’t offer much resistance
and it doesn’t protest.
In silence, we shed a yellow tear
at each other in compliance with
the painful process that’s to follow and
we mark the beginning.
From here on, everything is routine
I bear its one shoulder
and the other.
Then the waist.
Soon, completely naked
in the thin, transparent shirt
it shivers before our eyes.
Come on, split it, it looks good –
you say, waiting at a distance from which
everything does look good.
I hesitate to remove what’s left of its clothes
because I know, when I strip it bear and split it
it will be hard to keep
the memory
of the beauty of its whole.
I lower
the chain-bound
I drop long ropes
down the cold walls.
The guards struggle opening
the iron gates.
Our grounded armies
in the field
form guards of honor
each other.
As I walk out to greet you
I remove the impenetrable armor with both hands
and spread my ribs apart.
Shivers the exposed heart.
Someone caring
hands me the shield
and whispers: Go,
there’s no line
between victory and surrender.
*From the cycle Small Notes on Big Words
Finally I found a suitable computer program
to draw my family tree.
It offers all kinds of forms, examples on how to fill it out,
detailed instructions in case of indecisiveness or mistakes.
I take the papers from the drawers and
start the process of finding a home for my history.
The dead don’t complain,
but others don’t share my enthusiasm,
so I bear the whole burden of the truth myself.
I copy the names and dates into specified boxes in the program.
Built-in calendars, date validation protocols warn
you cannot die if you haven’t been born.
Mercilessly I cut short my mother’s long, emotional notes on our ancestors
and type in the allowed 100 characters.
Thanks to modern technology the job is quickly done.
Ordered squares linked by arrows look nice on the screen.
The program is perfect so I can use color to emphasize generational or familial attachments,
separate infant from old age deaths or from those who were taken by war or some strange illness.
I can calculate average lifespan in the families, centuries back.
One click of the mouse allows me to line us all up outside of temporal hierarchy,
centuries converge,
the family enters impossible and fun dialogues.
I can do everything my mother never thought possible,
or necessary.
I shut down the computer.
My history in Arial protected from oblivion
can now peacefully wait for new generations.
I often open my mother’s crumbled papers,
clumsily glued with Scotch tape, folded and shoved into drawers.
The computer?
J’ai acheté une colline.
Pas une maison –
une maison a des murs, un toit
de la chaleur, une famille.
J’ai acheté une colline.
Pas une forêt –
une forêt a de puissants arbres,
son ombrage de feuillage, sa sûreté
les branches l’abritent du soleil.
J’ai acheté une colline.
Pas une prairie –
une prairie est plane,
verte tout simplement
le ciel se noie en elle.
Que faire avec une colline?
Je me tiens à son sommet
et je tourne de tous les côtés.
tout est possible – m’avertit
le créateur atemporel
prêt à aider
sans aucun outil ni temps disponible.
et il rajoute –
Uniquement si tu sais pourquoi tu as
acheté une colline.
D’accord – dis-je conciliante :
je suis peintre
et ne le suis pas,
je suis poète
et ne le suis pas.
qui a acheté une colline
ça oui, je le suis.
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